Thursday, August 29, 2013

Website Validity

As “novice” researchers, we must ask two questions- Where do I begin my research, and once I find the site, how do I know if the information is reliable? When using the World Wide Web, we must become internet detectives. There are 5 steps to follow when evaluating sources on the World Wide Web. Step 1: Look at the URL- Is it a personal page or site? Look for an ISP. What type of domain does the site come from? Also look for country codes. Step 2: Scan the Page- Look for links such as “About Us”, “Philosophy”, “Background”, “Biography”, and a date for the last update. Who wrote the page? Where did the info come from? Are the links reliable-do they work? Step 3: Look for indicators of quality- Is it documented? Does the author provide a bibliography or source list? Step 4: Find out what others say about the site. Google the site, author’s name, and previous page. And Step 5: Does it all add up? Are you satisfied with the site? What is the tone of the site? What information does it supply? All of these things should be looked at when evaluating website validity.

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