Wednesday, November 20, 2013

QR Codes

Who was the first president of the United States?
Here is an alphabet for sign language. You must know the first five signs of the alphabet for a test.
(Morse Code Message Translator) -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / .- -. / .. -. - . .-. . ... - .. -. --. / - .... .. -. --. / - --- / -.- -. --- .-- .-.-.- / .. - / .-.. . - .----. ... / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. --- -- -- ..- -. .. -.-. .- - . / .-- .. - .... / --- - .... . .-. / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / - .... .- - / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . --..-- / -... ..- - / -.-. .- -. / -... . / ..- ... . ..-. ..- .-.. / - --- / .... .. -.. . / .- / -- . ... ... .- --. . / ..-. .-. --- -- / --- - .... . .-. ... .-.-.-
Who was the 33rd president of the United States?
Create QR Codes of your own!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cultural Differences

All around the world there are many different cultures. Every culture has differences in speech, rituals, education, body language, etc. If you travel, you should always be careful about what you say or do, because you may offend somebody of a different culture. For example, a hand gesture that means "two" or "peace" to American's can be very offensive to other cultures such as in England where it means "up yours". In Japan and Korea, a tip is considered an insult and if it is accepted then it is considered begging. But in the U.S. it is an insult to not leave a tip. In Holland, you should always use utensils when eating, even if it is only a piece of bread. You should always learn as much as possible about different cultures before you travel or else you may end up in a lot of trouble.